Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1769.03.13

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Index Entry Here truth in full daylight appears [fl] 
Location New York 
13 Mar 1769:11 (907)
[A Whip for the American Whig, by Timothy Tickle; parts
appear weekly on page 1.] Imitation: Addressed to the
glorious combination;
more particularly to those ringleaders of sedition the
cherubimical junto,
Here truth in full daylight appears,
Display'd as it were in a glass:
Here each may behold his own ears,
Nor doubt of his being---a Whig.
[3 lines in Latin, signed "Hor."]
Addressed as above.
Ye pest of Princes, and of Kings the curse,
Bad were your fathers, but their sons are worse:
If yet your progeny their sires excell,
They must be taught of darkness and of hell, 
Against their King and God to murmer and rebell.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1769.03.13 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0029971
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